Sunday, August 3, 2008

Restless. As always. And missing you, or something about you. But I shouldn't. Missing how it feels to be wanted and to love getting closer to being needed and to feel. The only thing I'm feeling right now is the remaining acidic sting from that late-night kiwi snack in the grooves of my fingernails that I've almost mistaken for a bonafide heartbreak.

Less than one week of summer left, but I'm not slowing down. I'm walking with one foot forward and I'm shutting my eyes, if that's what it takes, and I'm taking it all in and I'm moving on.

I'm also torturing myself by only going to bed on the condition that I win one single game of Solitaire. What the hell am I thinking?
I'm on a 5-game losing streak and it's all downhill from here. I can't work under pressure! At least not when it counts.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girl, I play those self-disciplinary Solitaire games allll the time. Sometimes I wonder if it's really chance